Monday, December 28, 2009

Why do people think im fake im REAL?

it sucks i know im the real miley cyrus but people think im fake along with my myspace help me i need tips

Why do people think im fake im REAL?

yeah i've got a good idea. how bout you and the rest of the "Miley Cyruss'" form a club. there are at least 200 people who say they are Miley cyrus. you're just another one of them. LOSER.

Why do people think im fake im REAL?

there are so many "MILEY CYRUSS" on myspace and there all FAKE. THERE ABOUT LIKE 300 of them and its annoying cuz NON OF THEM ARE REAL. Try to be yourself its more fun [: Report It

Why do people think im fake im REAL?

if u were real u wud have the official sign, duh

Why do people think im fake im REAL?

Don't worry about it. You're going to be shut down soon for impersonating a so-called celebrity.

Why do people think im fake im REAL?

Maybe because we are not dumb enough to fall for it.

Why do people think im fake im REAL?

quiet fake

i am miley cyrus

Why do people think im fake im REAL?

your so funny i love ya lots

Why do people think im fake im REAL?

cuz u dont have the official sign.

n if u r her then dont make it such a big deal dat ppl dont believe u. who cares?????

Why do people think im fake im REAL?

say it with me..


Why do people think im fake im REAL?

And I'm the real Christina Aguilera! Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!!!!!!!!!!!

Why do people think im fake im REAL?

who cares. nobody likes you anyway.

Why do people think im fake im REAL?

sooo sad. who the heck cares!

Why do people think im fake im REAL?

ok sorry to hear that. If it is really you i am going to be honest i dont like you music or you. I find you very annoying!

Why do people think im fake im REAL?

who cares? we all know you're a poser.

Why do people think im fake im REAL?

Did you know that this is the 5TH miley i saw today?

Why do people think im fake im REAL?

Ok.No offence.But you're not the real Miley Cyrus.You're a poser.There are millions of posers on the internet and I doubt you're the actual one.The real Miley Cyrus wouldn't have time to go online that much and if she did she would probably do something else.

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