Im gonna fake my death on myspace music(to sell more cause my music stinks), and I want to know should I start adding friends now(when my musics not available on itunes), or later(when it is).
This is an EASY myspace question?
wow-ur desperate!! Hey this reminds me of that one episode of Hey!Arnold when Dino Spimonie fakes his own death so more ppl would like him and buy his music. You obviously didn't see that episode cause it didn't work out to well.
Edit: Yes I watched Hey Arnold!!! I used to luv that show!!! lol!!! and faking your death by suicide thats lame you should say something more exciting!!! The more exciting your death the more publicity!!! Say you jumped in front of a bullet for a litle girl or something!!! lol!!! Jk I still don't think it's a good idea, but whatever floats your boat!
This is an EASY myspace question?
thats lame. sorry no offense
This is an EASY myspace question?
wait till later, whats ur myspace url?
This is an EASY myspace question?
This is an EASY myspace question?
add them now, because if ur dead and a dead person adds frends then theyll no theyve been scammed.
This is an EASY myspace question?
How can you add friends if you're 'dead'? lol
Just add them now, before you "die".
EDIT: PitbullLuva hahahahaha!!! You watch Hey Arnold? I loved that show!!! Dino spumoni was kickass!!!! Along with his lyricist [that old guy] always arguing and stuff!! lol!!
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