Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How do i find out the email used on myspace?

My friend got a fake myspace made about him saying nasty hurtful things. he thinks i made it, and now we arent talking. I wanted to know how to figure out the email being used on that myspace so i could prove to him i did not make it.

anything will help!


How do i find out the email used on myspace?

you cant

How do i find out the email used on myspace?

i would report it on myspace. you can leave a message with the myspace peeps and tell them your story and they will delete the myspace page

How do i find out the email used on myspace?

i don't think you can because it is a privacy thing

about not giving out emails

and who ever did that to your friend is highly immature

How do i find out the email used on myspace?

Che razza di domanda 鐚? Comunque non lo so.

How do i find out the email used on myspace?

you can't find the emails or like anything personal of other myspaces

you should just report it

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