Monday, December 28, 2009

Don't you think is so LAME that people ask you to chose a name for them to use on myspace?

Now if we name them is it really their "MYspace" of is it ours? Then again how fake or naive can they be?

Don't you think is so LAME that people ask you to chose a name for them to use on myspace?

Some people don't have the creativity God gave a bullfrog so they rely heavily on others for their lack of brilliance.

Don't you think is so LAME that people ask you to chose a name for them to use on myspace?

Where do i go to claim my 30 seconds of life back from reading this completely pointless post ?

Don't you think is so LAME that people ask you to chose a name for them to use on myspace?

If they use real words and can form sentences (like you), they probably shouldn't be on myspace.

Don't you think is so LAME that people ask you to chose a name for them to use on myspace?


Don't you think is so LAME that people ask you to chose a name for them to use on myspace?

Yes, even the whole Myspace is lame, lol!

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