Friday, November 20, 2009

Hey about 2 weeks ago i added this guy from my school that i really lyk on my fake myspace.?

we really got to know each other on the fake myspace and he even asked me for my number so i gave it to him. and a few minutes later he called me and we talked on the phone everyday for hours and he would text me during school, but the only bad thing was that he thought he was talking to this gorgeous model n he didnt know he was really talking to me. on the phone i would talk lyk myself and i would be honest about how i felt. after a while i started noticing that he really really liked me. then this week he deleted the model from his myspace he wont answer my calls or my text so i knew that some had told him. and he hasnt even tried talking to me in school i sent him a text saying i was sorry but he dosent answer. All my friends know what happened and they know i really like him so they tried talking to him but he just ignored them and walked away. and am to scared to talk to him because am scared he will ignore me 2. i really really lyk him what should i do? i cant keep on lyk this..

Hey about 2 weeks ago i added this guy from my school that i really lyk on my fake myspace.?

Why would you lie to him about who you are? You've pretty much blown any chance you might have had with him by lying. But the least you can do is make it right. If your too scared to talk to him face to face you can send him an email from your real myspace. Explaining what you did, why you did it %26amp; how sorry you are.

Sweetie lies like this never pay off, you need to learn to be confident in who you are. Whatever problems you may think you have physically it閳ユ獨 not worth this kind of thing is it?

Hey about 2 weeks ago i added this guy from my school that i really lyk on my fake myspace.?

As a friend of mine used to say:

"Don't play games, you'll find yourself loosing them."

Well, duh!

Hey about 2 weeks ago i added this guy from my school that i really lyk on my fake myspace.?

I don't blame him for being so upset. Think about it. You lied about who you were even if you didn't lie about your personality. Your friends can't fix this for you and you are silly to think that that would work. You need to apologize yourself and you need to accept that fact that he may not forgive you. What you did was wrong and I hope you learned your lesson. People will like you for you and if they don't then they are not worth your time or effort. When you lie to someone about who you are, you are not only lying to them, but you are hurting yourself.

Hey about 2 weeks ago i added this guy from my school that i really lyk on my fake myspace.?

Find out who grassed you up and take revenge.

Hey about 2 weeks ago i added this guy from my school that i really lyk on my fake myspace.?

It sounds like Cinderella Story! But I say you never thought it would work out if you weren't honest the whole time. It was almost like a game at the beginning? I would say right now he is probably embarassed by the whole thing because he "fell for it". I would say give him time to cool down and don't make it a big deal. He will feel more embarassed. Wait for it to pass and maybe it will work out someday.

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