Sunday, November 29, 2009

This is for the guys:MYSPACE and Relationship----?

I made a fake myspace profile with a random girls pictures and added my boyfriend as a friend...basically i conversated with him all night until like 5 in the this other girl. and he told her that he didnt have a girlfriend.... and he gave this fake girl his number so i had a friend call him while i was there... and he got up and took the call in the other room.... so i confornted him about it.. and now im upset about the situation....

my question is what should i do... ? did i over react or was my feelings justified...??? i know people are going to say i got what i asked for but im not trying to hear that.

we are going to sit down and have a conversation about the whole thing like adults...

what should i do...

my question for the guys: would you have ever went this far without the intentions of cheating or should i forgive him...??

thank you

This is for the guys:MYSPACE and Relationship----?

Sorry, but your boyfriend is a loser and he was definitely thinking of cheating. Dump him and find someone better.

This is for the guys:MYSPACE and Relationship----?

Could've sworn I answered this already. Meh.

Most likely, he had the intent to cheat. Personally, if it were me, I wouldn't have taken it that far if I didn't have the intent to cheat. And I would've kept bragging about you too. This boyfriend of yours even denied your existence! What does that say, hmm? He was planning on cheating, and there's no way you should forgive him for this. Find someone better.

This is for the guys:MYSPACE and Relationship----?

Your boyfriend is about a dumbass he would never make it in the Playa world. He should have known that is a set up.

Its just like before computers girls would set up another girl to come on to their boyfriend to see if he was true.

I had a girl do that to me before with two of her friends, well it backfired on her to say it nicely.

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