Friday, November 20, 2009

Fake Myspace Profile Help?

Ok, this may seem really silly to most of you, but if you can help me, please do! Some friends of mine (there is like 5 or 6 of us) have a myspace profile that we have fun with. The person is not real, and he has existed now for about a year. We have innocent fun with his account, and there is quite a buzz in town about "him". (We live in a small town) People claim they know him, or have hung out with him, one girl went as far as to say he wouldn't leave her alone. Lol. It's ridiculous, cause he does not exist! Anyway, the hype around him is fantastic! So the question: He only has one profile pic. Is there a place I can go to input his pic and make duplicate pics with his face? Or a picture matching software? Like I said, its all in fun. No harm intended. Please help if you can.

Fake Myspace Profile Help?

haha ur smart

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